Wednesday, August 26, 2009


100 views. Marvelous.


is amazing. I won't take up a huge amount of your time describing just how amazing it is, but yeah. It's very nice. 

Haha on that note, I have for you the first sketch (of many) that I've done for my Architectural Design course. Not exactly a product of the MacBook, but not too bad considering the new drawing technique they're having us use (new to me at least, holding the tool a little more loose), and the huge 18 x 24 pad. This lovely bas relief is positioned on the left side of the front entrance to the Pattee Library, representing knowledge I think? 


Friday, August 14, 2009

Now broadcasting from

a brand spankin' new Macbook Pro. 
Still trying to figure everything out with this, while getting things packed and ready for college. May not post a good work for awhile, but I'll definitely be back, hopefully with a product of this sexy machine. :)

Friday, August 7, 2009


For the last two months that I've been up here, I've had 15-20 beautiful, new black felt tip markers in the drawer beneath me. Lacking inspiration, I thought I'd whip one or two out and see what I could do (I've never drawn in ink before). Here's the result:


(Look! is the title)

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Blue Skies, Fire, and Space

I seem to be at the point where I've run out of ideas for original titles. Take whatever meaning you like out of this one, because I've got nothin'.
