Thursday, March 18, 2010

A foreign fanbase?

Tonight, I logged into my Vimeo account for the first time since this summer. Surprisingly enough, I had one single message in my inbox. Thinking it was spam, I indifferently clicked the link to read it. Here it is:

"Hi Blake,
I am the founder of a French website dedicated to review all the rom-com and love stories in the films but we also have a section for short film about love and we included your short film, "A love story" on our website because we absolutely loved it. So thanks for that, i just wanted to tell you. We embedded the video from vimeo so I hope it is not an infringement of any copyright.

Now, i do have one question for you : What are your 3 favorite films about love stories or rom-com, films you watch with your love on a rainy afternoon ? Don't see any creepy intention here, it is just to add on the website if you don't mind on the page dedicated to your short film, for visitors to know you a little bit better.

Your page is here :étrages-de-lover/a-love-story/

Thanks so much for your film and best of luck for your career !
Greetings from France,
Fred Renouf"

Sweet. Here's the link:


Let there be light!

Yes, it's finally done. It bends, it extends (not as well as I had hoped, but it still holds true to it's name), and damn it, it lights up.

"Well done, Blake."
- Morgan Freeman

(totally happened)

This is the exhibit:

Friday, March 12, 2010

New Rotation, New Drawings, New Teeth

This new studio rotation involves a little more hands on work: more hammer and nails, less epoxy. The idea is to integrate first-year students in construction, the "design-build" scenario, if you will.

The project is, in simple terms, a small construction project to initiate the renovation of Penn State's Sustainability Center (research on environmentally sound living and all that). The project is largely centered around the community garden, a huge garden on which members of PSU's faculty and student body can purchase 10' x 10' plots to take care of.

Our studio as a whole will be designing and constructing two sheds, a well of some sort for routing water to the gardeners, and a community center. My section got the community center. The community center's site includes an old broken-down "gazebo" structure, a makeshift path cut through woods, and two picnic tables. We separated into four groups and were to submit designs. We're about to collaborate as a group on one central design and present it to our clients (the garden owner, the Sustainability Center leader, and people from OPP), so I'm just hoping it goes well.* Why write a blog about all this?


(Just some renderings for my group's design proposal, alongside the pictures that they were based off of).

P.S. I was, this past Thursday, de-brace-ified. Retainer constantly for the next eight weeks, then probably every night while I sleep for the rest of my life. REGARDLESS: I'm beyond happy to get those little metal bastards out of my mouth.

P.P.S. I haven't finished rebuilding the lamp yet. Hooray!