Sunday, October 24, 2010

When one project ends,

another begins. I don't really have a huge amount to do right now, but the idea of how ridiculously stressing this next week will be (despite my impending attendance at the Rally To Restore Sanity) is causing huge anticipatory stress.

Here's my very anti-climactic Materials project:



and Playing Cards:

and though my joinery system was absurdly phallic:


I'm pretty satisfied.

P.S. Six foot drawing LOL

(after staying up until 6 am doing this wall section for
Materials, I failed the Materials midterm. HILARIOUS.)

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

First project of the year yaayy

As promised, here are (most) of my final drawings/renderings I used in my final presentation. Some of my best design work thus far, mainly 'cause Photoshop and Sketchup cut my normal production time in half, and I was able to explore many more elements than usual.


(site plan)
(front elevation)
(photoshopped close-up elevation)
(ceiling plan, note circular geometry of plan continued upwards into ceiling)
(longitudinal section cut, looking toward the east)
(the same cut, looking toward the west)
(perspective, looking toward the entrance/north)
(perspective, main display area)
(perspective, looking toward seminar area/back of store/south)
(a few close-ups of the displays, note permeability of facade, each display in front is also a window looking out on college ave.)



Also, the previously mentioned Materials project is well under way. Foam cubes, playing cards, and balls from a ball pit are my materials of choice; looking pretty cool so far. I am, however, ridiculously exhausted. A zombie, if you will.

I leave you with a (crap cell phone) picture of the current condition of my desk (i.e. my dinner table, my bed, my bookshelf, my living room, etc.), if you care to visualize where it all goes down.


Thursday, October 7, 2010

Delayed Response

This is about two weeks overdue, but I wanted to post some pictures and give a little explanation on my first project for Materials (the elephant that sits it's lazy ass in the room constantly as I try to work on projects for other classes). We basically had to find a natural object, and construct a base for it that would create a "material relationship".

Sooo I found a piece of tree bark with some SUPER MEGA AWESOME (not really) fungus on it, and decided to design my base around that. My idea was to create imagery symbolic of industry, and the way lumber is processed, to create a contrast with the natural bark. I found an old dead branch outside studio, and "processed it":

Not the greatest thing I've ever cracked out, but I'm still pretty confident in my idea.

Current Materials project: Create three 7" x 7" x 15" blocks, each of a different material. Invent your own shit-crazy joint system, and connect them vertically (connecting the 7" x 7" sides) or horizontally (connecting the 7" x 15" sides). "Push the limits of the material you use." Due Thursday, the 14th (week from today).

B-T-dubs, the blocks are this big:
I has a overwhelming, unspeakable sad.