Wednesday, August 18, 2010

An Ode To 100 Days

It has been a summer to remember; devoid of human contact. That, however, is not necessarily meant to be taken in a negative light. Over three months of peace and quiet has left me time to recharge, and reacquaint myself with, well, myself.

Yes, I'm ready to socialize again, strangely enough. More than ever, I think, which is (for lack of a better word) good. I'm also ready to attempt to make myself a little more noteworthy in Penn State's Architecture Department; a goal I didn't even come close to accomplishing last year.

But I digress. Here's my summer, in a three-minute nutshell.
(For larger versions, check out my Facebook album, or I can send you any upon request).

It's gonna be a good year.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Mosquito and Headless (Revisited)

The papier maché is done!

At long last, the beginning of the end of my antisocial summer-of-art-projects has come upon me. As I said a few entries ago, one of the models was going to be a 3D recreation of one of my 100 Days. Rarely do I ever consider anything I do, "good", but this sculpture (dubbed Mosquito) is as close to (what I consider) perfect as I've ever gotten with a private project.

If you're interested, take a minute or two and check out my bangin' process montage:

The song is "Out of Egypt, Into the Great Laugh of Mankind, and I Shake the Dirt From My Sandals As I Run" by Sufjan Stevens.

But wait, there's more.

When we moved from Texas over a year ago, we had to leave one papier maché sculpture I made as a kid that my mom really liked. I decided that since I was working in the same medium again, I could remake that same sculpture for her at the same time as I was working on Mosquito. That being said, this is Headless (Revisited):

And how it was made:

The song is "The Captain" by Guster.

P.S. We're on day 98. It's been quite the summer.